Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra



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Simfonični orkester Akademije za glasbo
Stari trg 34, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 242 7300
Managed byAcademy of Music

The Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra was established in 1948 when the Academy itself was reorganised. It consists of 80 to 90 student musicians from all grades from the departments of string and wind instruments and percussion. Since the Academy of Music participates in the Erasmus programme for exchange students there are also foreign students playing in the orchestra. Each year the orchestra performs at venues in Slovenia and abroad under the directorship of guest conductors such as Anton Nanut, Marko Letonja, Uroš Lajovic, János Kovácz, Wellisar Gentscheff, René Gulikers, and George Pehlivanian.

Repertoire and performances

The orchestra's repertoire includes well-known symphony orchestra compositions and vocal-instrumental works ranging from Baroque, Classical, and Romantic to 20th-century music. It has performed in Vienna (presenting music by Primož Ramovš, Tomasi, and Berlioz), in Zagreb (performing music by Uroš Krek, Čajkovski, Šostakovič), in Gorizia (performing music by Slavko Osterc, Chopin, Čajkovski) and in some Slovene cities (performing music by Beethoven, Matija Bravničar, Mozart, Haydn, Grieg, and Mendelssohn, among others).

International participation

The orchestra prepares two or three projects annually and stages a few concerts a year. In 2005 it participated with Lebanese-Armenian conductor G. Pehlivanian. In 2010 members of the Symphony orchestra participated in the international project Concert of friendship which took place in Trieste under the direction of R. Muti.

Other concerts abroad took place in Klagenfurt, at Konzerthaus, in Brussels at The Brussels Centre for Fine Arts, and elsewhere as well.


In August 2004 the orchestra received an award at the international festival of European youth orchestras Young Euro Classics in Berlin, presenting compositions by Alojz Srebotnjak, Nina Šenk, and D. Šostakovič. At the same event the European Composer's Award was conferred on young Slovene composer Nina Šenk.

See also

External links

Simfonični orkester Akademije za glasbo +
Simfonični orkester Akademije za glasbo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Stari trg 34 +
The Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra was established in 1948 when the Academy itself was reorganised. +
The Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra was established in 1948 when the Academy itself was reorganised. +
+386 / 1 242 7300 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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